Sara Olsher
Contributing Writer
Learn More About Sara Olsher
After surviving divorce and cancer within her daughter's first seven years of life, Sara made it her mission to help other families facing life's most difficult challenges.As a writer, illustrator, and speaker, Sara spends her life creating book and visual calendar kits for kids at Mighty + Bright and talking about things that make many people want to crawl into a deep, dark hole. Whether it’s divorce, cancer, or uncertainty, Sara has worked hard to be comfortable with the profoundly uncomfortable.
Mighty + Bright publishes a series of science- and therapist-backed book and calendar kits. Each kit includes a picture book that introduces a difficult life experience and explains how it affects a child’s day-to-day. The calendar then takes the concept and makes it visual and tangible, reducing anxiety and providing a means of connection and communication for parents and kids. Sara's products have been featured in Reader’s Digest, Good Housekeeping, POPSUGAR, Washington Post, and more.