
Why is Hello Divorce Better than Other Online Divorce Services?

Why should you use Hello Divorce to complete your divorce?

We have lawyers, mediators, and divorce finance experts on staff who serve clients on an as-needed basis. If you don’t need it, you don’t have to pay for it. What’s more, the fees for our services are flat rates, so you know upfront how much it’s going to cost and can plug the numbers into your budget without fear of an unknown grand total down the road.

We also have dedicated, caring, and knowledgeable account coordinators who can guide you through each step of your divorce paperwork. Our account coordinators are highly familiar with the divorce process and will make sure you’re matched with the right paperwork and divorce plan for your state, situation, and needs.

Compared to “lawyering up” and making multiple appearances in divorce court, the Hello Divorce approach allows you to save thousands of dollars, lots of time, and lots of stress.

Why we founded Hello Divorce

We asked ourselves, "Who needs a $600-per-hour divorce lawyer on retainer who will bill you for every three minutes?"

Not everyone has this kind of money. Even if they do, they don’t want to hand over their checkbook for traditional, one-size-fits-all legal representation if that's not what they need. And the truth is, that's not what most divorcing couples need.

One of the reasons we Hello Divorce is that we were seeing a lot of unnecessary conflict, heartache, and expense among the divorcing population. Splitting up is common. Why should 40% of the population pay through the nose for this process?

They shouldn’t.

But isn't Hello Divorce just another document prep online divorce site?

Sure, we can prepare your documents – but that’s not all we do.

Simple document preparers help you complete the mandatory forms necessary for divorce. You answer a series of questions, and the forms are populated. But services like this don't give you legal advice or help you strategize your case.

That might be fine if you've got a super-simple divorce (short marriage, no assets or debts, no kids). But most of the 40% of people getting divorced today need more guidance than a document prep service can provide.

Marriage is a financial contract. It can be just as difficult – if not more difficult – than dissolving a business partnership or corporation.

As much as we'd like the divorce process to be linear, it often isn't. Everyone’s situation is different. Divorce can be short or long depending on the complexity of your case. Specialized forms may be required along the way. Court may be necessary to resolve certain issues.

We help juggle the moving parts

Divorce has a ton of moving parts: support, property, debt, reimbursements/credits, fees, and costs. The kids. Your own deep well of grief, anger, and other emotions.

All of these moving parts must be addressed.

You can do this. Advances in technology and the advent of unbundled online and in-person legal services allow you to choose the option that fits your budget, lifestyle, needs, and goals.

The importance of a smart divorce strategy

While we never want to motivate you by fear (we'll leave that to big law and insurance companies), we do want to illustrate a point so you have some perspective on why a well-strategized divorce plan – and correctly filled-out forms – are so important.

Here are a few scenarios that could play out if you were to fill out your divorce forms on your own, without the backing of sound legal advice.

  • Let's say your divorce is uncontested.  You do not check the box in the Petition that requests "termination of spousal support." Your Judge then does allow you to terminate spousal support in your divorce judgment. So what? Well, it means that the court retains the ability to order spousal support at a later time.
  • Let's say you do not include all property and debt in your Judgment. At a later time (even years later) either one of you could come back to court and ask for an asset or obligation from your married days to be divided.
  • Let's say you do not check the box for spousal support or child support on your Petition, Response, or Request for Orders. You essentially waive the ability to request this type of financial help until and unless you revise (and re-serve) your documents. That's a lot of work – and it could cost you more money down the road.

Completing divorce forms is certainly not brain surgery, but it does need to be done correctly, and little mistakes or omissions could be costly.

How is Hello Divorce different?

We used our knowledge of divorce law and legal procedure to create tools that provide you the ability to skillfully and thoughtfully prepare your divorce documents to maximize your benefit and minimize your financial exposure.

When that's not enough, we offer online legal help, document review, and unlimited answers to your divorce-related questions.

If you don't even want to try to do it yourself, we offer flat-fee document preparation. You can always find us (and our lawyer profiles) easily online. We are lawyers who care and want to help. It's in our nature!

Of course, Hello Divorce is not right for everyone separating from their spouse. Legal coaching and guided templates do not replace traditional full representation, especially when a divorce is highly contested or highly complex. But for the majority of folks, our route is feasible and a lot more affordable.

Watch: Hello Divorce Reviews: Feedback from real Hello Divorce clients


For most people getting a divorce, we can help

We founded Hello Divorce because we love people. We like problem-solving. And we wanted to offer a cost-effective, high-quality alternative to the status quo.

In our quest to demystify the divorce process and family laws, we hope to do our part in reducing and resolving conflict as opposed to escalating it for personal or professional gain.

Sound optimistic? We are "the glass-is-half-full" type of people and, frankly, our clients seem to be, too! Divorce is not the end of life. You never wasted your love on your spouse. Your marriage worked at one point, and it served an important and gratifying role for a period of time. Now is your chance to try out that next version of yourself – the you that takes control of your divorce and moves to the other side.

Want to learn more about the affordable online divorce plans we offer? Click here.


Divorce Specialists
Divorce Strategy, Divorce Preparation, Divorce Process, Divorce and Home Equity, Property and Assets
After spending years in toxic and broken family law courts, and seeing that no one wins when “lawyer up,” we knew there was an opportunity to do and be better. We created Hello Divorce to the divorce process easier, affordable, and completely online. Our guiding principles are to make sure both spouses feel heard, supported, and set up for success as they move into their next chapter in life.