
Don't Forget to Notify These 19 Agencies after You Change Your Name

Are you someone who has gone through a name change after divorce? It can be overwhelming to think about all the places you need to notify of your legal name change. At Hello Divorce, we're here to help.

Here is a list of 19 essential places to notify after changing your name. You don't have to do them all at once, but our hope is by providing you with this list, you'll feel the task is more manageable and will keep moving forward with confidence. You got this!

1. Social Security Administration (SSA)

The SSA should be the first agency you notify after changing your name. You'll need to update your name on your Social Security card, which is essential for receiving benefits and filing taxes with your Social Security number.

2. IRS

Notify the IRS of your name change so your tax returns and records match your new name.

3. State Tax Authority

Notify your state tax authority of your name change to ensure that your state tax records match your new name.

4. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)

You'll need to update your driver's license and/or state ID, registration, and car title with your new name at the DMV.

5. Passport office

If you have a passport, you'll need to apply for a renewal with a new name. This can take several weeks, so plan ahead if you have upcoming travel plans.

6. Government assistance programs

If you receive government assistance, such as food stamps or housing assistance, notify the relevant agency of your name change. This is needed to make sure your benefits continue to be deposited into the correct account.

7. Financial institutions

Notify your bank, credit union, credit card companies, mortgage lender, and any other financial institutions of your name change. You'll need to update your account information and ensure that your new name matches the name on your ID.

Keep a certified copy of your divorce decree handy for those agencies that request to see a copy before removing your former name from your records.

8. Employer

Notify your employer of your name change to update your payroll and tax forms.

9. Insurance companies

Update your insurance policies, including health, auto, and home insurance, to ensure your coverage is accurate.

10. Utility companies

Notify your utility companies, including electric, gas, water, and phone, of your name change to prevent any service interruptions.

11. Credit card companies

Update your credit card accounts with your new name to avoid any billing or identity issues.

12. State or local election office (voter registration)

Notify your state or local election office of your name change to make sure your voter registration information remains accurate.

13. Post office

Update your name and address with the post office so your mail is delivered to the right place.

14. Professional licensing boards

If you hold any professional licenses, such as a real estate license or nursing license, notify the licensing board of your name change. This will help ensure that your license remains valid.

15. Subscription services

Notify any subscription services, such as magazines or online streaming services, of your name change to avoid billing or delivery issues.

16. Child's school

Notify your child's school of your name change to keep your child's records accurate.

17. Alma mater

Notify your college or university of your name change to ensure that your alumni records are accurate.

18. Titles to vehicles

If you own any vehicles, including cars, boats, or motorcycles, be sure to update the title with your new name.

19. Retirement accounts

Notify your retirement account provider, such as a 401(k) or IRA, of your name change. This is necessary to keep your account information accurate.

Notifying these agencies of your name change is an essential part of your divorce process. Removing your old name and replacing it with your new one will help avoid any future issues. Keep in mind that some agencies may require legal documents, such as a court order or marriage certificate, to update your name. It's also important to keep copies of all the documentation you submit to each agency in your personal records to make sure you have proof of your name change.

Divorce Content Specialist & Lawyer
Divorce Strategy, Divorce Process, Legal Insights

Bryan is a non-practicing lawyer, HR consultant, and legal content writer. With nearly 20 years of experience in the legal field, he has a deep understanding of family and employment laws. His goal is to provide readers with clear and accessible information about the law, and to help people succeed by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the legal landscape. Bryan lives in Orlando, Florida.