Cost of Divorce in Colorado

If you’re considering a divorce in Colorado, chances are one of your primary concerns is the cost you’ll be faced with. And with good reason. Divorce costs can be excessive and run a broad spectrum depending on your situation and how well you and your spouse can resolve issues related to your marital settlement agreement.
What’s the average cost of divorce in Colorado?
The costs of a divorce in Colorado can be as little as filing fees or as much as the highest-paid divorce attorney is willing to charge you. Average divorce costs can run from $10,000 to $20,000.
The main variables in the cost of your divorce in Colorado are attorney fees and court costs. Consequently, the more you and your spouse disagree, the more involvement your attorneys and the court system will have, and the higher your costs will be.
It may benefit you to take a more cooperative approach to your divorce with your spouse. If the two of you can get on the same page about your divorce terms, you could spend considerably less on your divorce than if you were to hire a lawyer and pay a retainer fee.
The nature of your divorce impacts your cost
Depending on the complexity of your divorce and your ability to come to mutual resolutions, two types of divorces are available to you: uncontested and contested.
Uncontested divorce
Divorcing spouses who agree on separation issues without the added involvement of attorneys and the court system can qualify for an uncontested divorce.
For couples who agree to property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support without having it argued between their attorneys or decided by a judge, an uncontested divorce allows a more straightforward process and fewer costs. The best part? You can even file for a DIY uncontested divorce, with no lawyer required.
Contested divorce
A contested divorce doesn’t necessarily mean that one of you is challenging the divorce. It means the two of you can’t agree to all or some of the matters that must be addressed before your divorce can be finalized.
The more matters in your divorce that are points of contention between you and your spouse, the more costly your divorce becomes. Every time an attorney drafts documents, files paperwork, negotiates with the other party’s attorney, appears in court, or even makes phone calls on your behalf, you will be billed for their services. Considering the typical hourly rate for divorce lawyers in Colorado is well over $200 per hour, attorney’s fees can quickly add up.
Divorce mediation
Divorce is a legal transaction, and you want to make sure you understand your rights and obligations and are being treated fairly. While you and your spouse can choose to hire your own legal counsel, you may also benefit from the services of a divorce mediator.
Mediation is becoming a common alternative to divorce litigation in Colorado. During the mediation process, you and your spouse will meet with a neutral third-party mediator who will not represent either of you but facilitate discussions to resolve disputes and achieve outcomes that work for both of you. Because you and your spouse can share the cost of a mediator, it becomes far less expensive, too.
How to save money on your Colorado divorce
Most divorcing couples today just want to end their marriage and move on. Few want or need the added expense and emotional stress of battling divorce lawyers or a drawn-out divorce case.
The more contentious your divorce, the more costly it will be. The cost of your divorce could even exceed the very things you are arguing about. If you and your spouse can come to agreements about property division, child support, child custody, and spousal support/alimony, an uncontested divorce can cost you as little as filing fees. In fact, you may even be able to waive these fees.
If you have minor children, we suggest reading Who Gets Custody of the Children in Divorce?
At Hello Divorce, we specialize not only in online divorce but also in providing custom-designed help through each client’s divorce process. As such, we can provide as much or as little help as you need to navigate your Colorado divorce.
Need legal advice? We have that, too. Schedule a free 15-minute informational call to understand how we can help you save money on your divorce