
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I resume a step? Do I have to complete a step in one sitting?

You are free to work at your own pace. When working through a step, you will see the “Save and Resume” link towards the bottom of each page. After clicking this link, a page will appear with a unique link to be used to continue your forms; you can also enter your email address to have the link emailed to you. When you click the link to resume the section, it will start you on the first page of that section. Just click “Next” to get to the page where you left off.

Please note: For your security, the links expire 30 days after being created, and you are the only one who will receive that link. Each time you resume a section, you will be sent a new link. The date you receive that link will create a new 30 day window. If you do not click the link within 30 days, you will have to start that section over.

How do I update my completed forms?

You are welcome to edit your PDFs directly, but keep in mind, this will not update the forms within the Divorce Navigator.

Within the Divorce Navigator: When you complete a step, a “Review Last Submission” button will appear in that section. Click this button, then click “Back” until you get to the page you want to edit. You will then need to click “Next” to get back to the submission page. After submitting, your updated forms will be emailed to you and your account coordinator.

Where are my forms stored?

Upon completing a step, your forms are emailed directly to you as PDFs. Please save them. Additionally, if you have the Pro, Plus, or Cooperative plans, they will also be sent to your account coordinator who will also save them and begin reviewing them for you.

Upon completing a step, a “Review Last Submission” button will appear for that step. You can also resubmit from that page to have the forms emailed to you if you need another copy.

What happens when I complete a step?

Upon clicking the final submission page in a step, you will receive two emails. One email gives you a link to start your next step, using this link will transfer some data from your previous step to prefill some of the questions. The second email includes your completed forms for that section.

Why isn't my data from my previous step in the step I'm starting?

The only way your data transfers between steps is by clicking the link emailed to you. You are also welcome to start a step directly within the Divorce Navigator by clicking “Start New Form” but the basic data you’ve entered will not transfer that way.

I finished a step, but haven't received my forms.

You must enter the same email address used when you purchased Hello Divorce’s services. If this is not the cause of your issue, please email or reach out to us via our chat.