Hello Divorce's Favorite Divorce and Co Parenting Books

You and your spouse have parted ways. Life may feel tough, a bit messy or just unfamiliar. You’re looking for good resources to help lower your tension, mend your heart, build a positive co parenting relationship, protect your future, and supercharge your self-growth.
But with so many books out there, it’s hard to know what’s helpful and what would just create more issues for your family. Don’t worry; we’ve got several suggestions on great books for divorce, co parenting, and managing parenting stress no matter what stage of the process you’re in.
A book for recently divorced parents
Talking to Children About Divorce: A Parent's Guide to Healthy Communication at Each Stage of Divorce
by Jean McBride, M.S., LMFT
Marriage and family therapist Jean McBride offers the tools parents need to effectively communicate with their children during every stage of the divorce process. It includes useful scripts, steps to help with co parenting communication, and more.
Books to help with co parenting plans, finances, and logistics
Mindful Co-parenting: A Child-Friendly Path through Divorce
by Jeremy S. Gaies, Psy.D., and James B. Morris, Jr., Ph.D.
This step-by-step guide to co parenting helps parents let go of their tension and focus on what matters most: the children. It covers everything from navigating the divorce process with children to dealing with co parenting once the plans are finalized.
Mom's House, Dad's House: Making Two Homes for Your Child
by Isolina Ricci, Ph.D.
In this book, therapist Isolina Ricci provides checklists and guidelines for co parents along with explanations behind many co parenting issues based on personality types. It’s a great guide to help parents co parent more effectively.
Joint Custody with a Jerk: Raising a Child with an Uncooperative Ex
by Julie A. Ross, M.A., and Judy Corcoran
Co-parenting with a high-conflict former spouse can feel impossible at times. This book offers suggestions and insight to make the situation just a little easier.
Co-Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in Two Households after Divorce
by Deesha Philyaw and Michael D. Thomas
Written by a divorced co-parenting couple, this is a great guide for co-parents. It includes everything you can think of and more.
Books about parental rights and custody issues
Nolo's Essential Guide to Child Custody and Support
by Emily Doskow, Attorney
This text includes information about where to find your state’s child support guidelines, insights into how judges make custody decisions, and everything in between. It was recently updated to include new information about COVID-19 and how it impacts custody and parental rights.
Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing
by Dr. Richard A. Warshak
If you are struggling with an uncooperative former spouse who is poisoning your relationship with your children, this book is for you. It will help you understand your rights, how you can disarm a problematic co-parent, and how to restore a healthy relationship with your children.
Books for parents of young children
Through the Eyes of Children
by Janet R. Johnson, Ph.D.; Karen Breunig, M.S.; Carla Garrity, Ph.D.; and Mitchell Baris, Ph.D.
This collection of stories is for children of divorce as well as their parents. Adult readers gain valuable information from leading child psychologists and divorce experts, and kids enjoy the relatable stories. Parents can use the stories to springboard into meaningful conversations with their kids about topics related to divorce and life after divorce.
A Kids Book About Divorce
by Ashley Simpo
This resource can help parents strike up conversations with kids about separation, answer questions about what life will look like post-divorce, and provide insight that is honest and informative.
A book for parents of teenagers
Divorce Is Not the End of the World: Zoe’s and Evan’s Coping Guide for Kids
by Zoe and Evan Stern
This book, which was written by children of divorce during their teen years, offers information from a child’s perspective and explores the emotions kids may experience in the early stages of divorce. It also covers topics like navigating holidays with two households and developing relationships with stepparents and new siblings.
A book for parents of adult children
Home Will Never Be the Same Again: A Guide for Adult Children of Gray Divorce
by Carol R. Hughes and Bruce R. Fredenburg
Authors Carol Hughes and Bruce Fredenburg make sure adult children aren’t left out of the divorce conversation in this text. This book can provide comfort and understanding for a type of divorce that’s often overlooked and not discussed nearly enough: gray divorce.
A book to help with parenting stress
How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids
by Carla Naumburg, Ph.D.
Carla Naumburg provides evidence-based strategies to help parents remain calm, lower stress, and become better parents … even after divorce. It breaks down stigmas and feelings of shame parents experience while empowering them to be more effective moms and dads.

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