
Get Divorced This Year: A Guide to Navigating the Process for Your Best Possible Outcome

What's this webinar about?

"Get Divorced This Year" is your guide to all the legal steps you’ll need to take, what to expect during each part of your divorce journey, and how to stay strong emotionally so you can make the best decisions for you and your family. We help you reorganize your life in a way that sets you up to confidently move forward into your next chapter.

What you’ll learn about:

  1. Divorce process overview for any state. While state laws vary, sometimes even by county, this high-level overview helps you know what to expect and what requirements you might need to satisfy before you can file and/or finalize your divorce.
  2. Getting to a fair settlement. What do you and your spouse need to come to agreements about? Debt and asset division, child support and custody, alimony, do you need a lawyer, and more.
Biggest problems Hello Divorce clients face and how to solve them:
  • Starting your divorce even if your spouse doesn't want one
  • Determining separate vs. joint marital property (who gets what?)
  • Child and spousal support guidelines and calculations
  • What to do if your spouse won't participate

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Most people spend years thinking about divorce before they file.

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