How to Fill Out and File UCCJEA in California Divorce or Separation

In California, you must file the Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (or “UCCJEA”) if you are filing for divorce or legal separation or responding to a petition for divorce or legal separation and you have children under the age of 18 with your spouse or domestic partner. Our free template will help you prepare a document you need to file with a divorce petition or response.
When to use form UCCJEA
You have children under the age of 18 and are either filing for or responding to a petition for divorce or legal separation.
Why is form UCCJEA required in California divorce?
If you have minor children with your spouse, this form is the first step in the process of determining custody and visitation. This template will guide you through providing the foundational information for this important court determination.
This form provides the court with basic information about where your children have lived, any other court cases concerning your children, any restraining orders in place, and anyone other than you and your spouse who has (or claims to have) custody or visitation rights with any child in your case.
When you don't need to file form UCCJEA
If you have no minor children with your spouse or domestic partner, you do not need this form. You do not need to include information for any children with another partner.
Download the UCCJEA form template
Instructions for filling out the UCCJEA form