
5 Things Divorced Dads Should Do During Holidays

For some of us divorced dads, the approach of any holiday, from Mother's Day to Valentine's Day, is enough to bring on cold sweats. Relax. Survival, even redemption, is attainable, and it's not even that difficult. The secret: Practice small acts of kindness.

Stay with me here. Even if the thought is, er, less than palatable, don't let that distract you. Focus on how being kind to others is actually the most selfish thing you can do because it paves the way and gets rid of impediments to the best possible enjoyment of your own happy post-divorce life.

Here are some simple ways to do it:

Send flowers to your ex

If she's the mother of your kids, that is. Why? Because a big part of your job as a dad is to be a guru and a role model for your kids. So, show them that just because you're divorced doesn't mean you don't still care for the woman who a) you were delighted to marry and in love with the day you got hitched, and b) is now and forever your co parent and mom to your kids. Flowers on Valentine's Day, her birthday, or to say thanks for doubling down on watching the kids because you had to take last-minute business trip can speak volumes.

Also, as the ancient saying says: Happy ex-wife, happy life. I don't care how annoyed or enraged you feel; invest in reconnecting and demonstrating that you're not carrying grudges. (And if you are, well, maybe sending flowers can be an important step to healing.) Sign the card from you and each kid. Maybe your ex will be suspicious, but whatever. She'll still feel good.

Send a card to your ex-mother-in-law

Yes, her. Maybe she was harsh to you during the breakup. So what? She's still your kids' grandmother.

Or maybe that's not the case. Maybe your former mom-in-law is a charmer – a good soul with a huge heart. All the more reason to send a card.

Either way, sign your name and the kids' names and include a simple message: With love and gratitude for being Grandma. By the way, this will also have the wonderful effect of blowing your ex-wife's mind and, even if viewed with a raised eyebrow, earning you huge goodwill. 

Have your kids wish their mom and grandparents a happy Valentine's Day

Make them send a message, give hugs, or wish them a happy holiday. Maybe your kids don't need this nudge. Maybe they do. Either way, your proactivity will show them you're a conscientious and thoughtful person, father, and ex-husband. No downside there.

Be vigilant, Dad. Nag them until you know for sure they've made some gesture to the people in their lives who should feel loved and appreciated on the day when such gestures are (rightly or wrongly) expected. 

Let your kids see you being affectionate

If you're dating, and you and your kids have had that conversation, don't be shy about letting them see you be attentive and affectionate. It's okay to be real and genuine with them. If you want to show affection with flowers, a special dinner, or whatever with your new significant other, go for it. (And if you feel like it, include the kids.) Or not. Either way, just trust and respect your kids. The alternative is so much worse.

Teach them that showing the people we care about how we feel is one of the most important things in life. Teach them that being warm and loving with your new partner and being a warm and loving father, ex-husband, and ex-son-in-law is not a zero-sum game.

Have a good cry

Or even a sulk. Ignore the holiday if that makes the most sense for you. If the day makes you feel lonely, unloved, or at a loss, don't fight it. It's OK; you're in good company. Don't bury your feelings and pretend you're unaffected, as that can backfire.

It's normal and totally common to feel hurt and sadness. So, go ahead and celebrate the holidays with a good, deep, and mindful sulk. Be self-aware about it: I know I'm moody, sad, and unsettled. I'm not fighting it. I'm airing it out in my heart and soul because I'm a human with feelings, and I'm good with that.

Steve Kane is the author of F*** It. Get A Divorce: The Guide for Optimists. (Also available on Kindle and in incognito mode .) A version of this article originally appeared in Fatherly. Edited and reposted with permission from the author.
Contributing Writer