
Is Social Media Hurting Your Relationship?

As a culture, we're more connected than ever before, thanks in large part to social media. But as you scroll through your feed, have you ever considered the impact of this digital life on your marriage?

At Hello Divorce, we've noticed an unsettling trend: social media is increasingly becoming a bone of contention in relationships. A recent study concluded that social media use contributes to marital unhappiness and reduced quality of marriage. This isn't about blaming technology; it's about understanding its role and effects in our intimate lives.

Does social media contribute to marital unhappiness?

Social media has become an inseparable part of many people's daily lives. With a smartphone always within reach, the allure of staying connected can be irresistible. But at what cost?

Screen addiction

We begin with screen addiction, a phenomenon that is as pervasive as it is insidious. Picture this: A couple sits together, their eyes glued to their screens, exchanging no words, lost in their digital worlds. This scenario is far too common and hints at a lack of healthy communication, which is vital for any relationship to thrive. When virtual interactions overshadow real-life conversations, it's time to reassess your priorities.

Unrealistic expectations

Social media often presents a curated version of life, full of picture-perfect moments and seemingly flawless relationships. This distortion can lead to unrealistic expectations about what a marriage should look like. 

It's essential to remember that social media showcases highlight reels, not the unglamorous behind-the-scenes footage. Comparing your relationship to these polished images can only breed dissatisfaction.


Closely tied to unrealistic expectations is discontentment. The constant exposure to others' "perfect" lives can foster feelings of inadequacy, leading you to question your own happiness. It's important to understand that every relationship has its unique journey, complete with ups and downs. Don't let a carefully crafted post on social media rob you of your contentment.

Comparing your circumstances to others is never healthy – and something hard not to do when you're seeing all the images of perfection people choose to share on social media.


Social media platforms provide ample opportunities for jealousy to creep into a relationship. A spouse liking an ex-partner's post or engaging in seemingly innocent flirting can ignite feelings of insecurity and mistrust. This can further lead to snooping, an unhealthy habit that can erode trust and respect in a relationship.

Cheating and online affairs 

The accessibility and anonymity provided by social media have made it easier for individuals to engage in online affairs. These virtual infidelities can be as damaging as physical ones, leading to betrayal and heartbreak.

Fueling conflict

Excessive social media use can lead to conflicts over time spent online versus time spent together. As per the aforementioned study, higher levels of social media usage have led to more marital problems. The screen addiction we discussed earlier can escalate into full-blown arguments, creating rifts in the relationship.

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Social media and divorce 

In the digital age, the link between social media and divorce is becoming increasingly clear. The study referenced above revealed a direct correlation between increased social media use and marital unhappiness. 

But how exactly does social media contribute to the dissolution of marriages? Let's look at three fictional scenarios.

Scenario 1: The screen barrier

Meet John and Jane. They used to be inseparable, sharing their daily highs and lows. But lately, a third entity has entered their marital equation: their smartphones. Dinner conversations have been replaced by an eerie silence, only interrupted by the occasional ping from their devices. Their shared laughter has been substituted by individual smirks at on-screen jokes. Their once-vibrant connection is now fading, replaced by a screen barrier that's growing thicker every day. 

The solution? A digital detox could be a good starting point to reclaim their lost connection.

Scenario 2: The comparison trap

Susan and Tom were content in their simple, love-filled life. Then Instagram happened. Suddenly, Susan found herself envious of the exotic vacations and grand gestures of love she saw on her feed. Tom was baffled. He thought they were happy. What changed? 

The problem wasn't their relationship; it was the unrealistic comparison trap they had fallen into. The remedy here lies in recognizing that real life isn't a highlight reel and focusing on their unique journey rather than comparing it to others.

Scenario 3: The jealousy web

Paul and Lisa had trust in spades. But when Paul started liking his ex-girlfriend's posts, Lisa couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Soon, this harmless act snowballed into a full-fledged issue, with Lisa snooping on Paul's activities and Paul feeling cornered. 

The culprit? Misunderstanding fueled by social media. Open communication about their insecurities and setting clear boundaries for social media use could help them untangle this web of jealousy.

These scenarios illustrate how subtly and yet destructively social media can creep into a relationship, creating a chasm if not checked in time. Awareness and proactive action are key to preventing these scenarios from becoming your reality.

While social media isn't inherently detrimental, it can contribute significantly to marital discord if not navigated with care. It's crucial to foster open communication about social media usage with your partner and set healthy boundaries. After all, a strong relationship is built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding, not likes and shares.


Social network sites, marriage well-being and divorce: Survey and state-level evidence from the United States. (July 2014). Computers and Human Behavior.

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Bryan is a non-practicing lawyer, HR consultant, and legal content writer. With nearly 20 years of experience in the legal field, he has a deep understanding of family and employment laws. His goal is to provide readers with clear and accessible information about the law, and to help people succeed by providing them with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the legal landscape. Bryan lives in Orlando, Florida.