Worksheet: Create Your Self-Care Plan

One of my favorite quotes about self-care comes from my friend and colleague Annie Wright, a licensed marriage and family therapist who runs Annie Wright Psychotherapy, based in Berkeley. “Self-care doesn’t always look like sleep, yoga, or green juice,” she often says. And she is SO right.
But sometimes, self-care becomes this thing you have to plan and make time for and commit to.
Maybe it starts to feel like a chore because so many people keep telling you to "take care of you." Or maybe self-care feels silly or selfish, like your time could be better spent checking items off your to-do list.
"Self-care doesn't always look like sleep, yoga, or green juice."—Annie Wright
I get it. We're all busy. But look: If you don't make time for yourself, nobody else will. You're in the driver's seat on this one. And I guarantee that one hour a week (at least) dedicated just to you is not too much to invest in yourself.
Self-care ideas
How to fill the time? We've got you covered.
In partnership with Annie, I've developed a worksheet to guide you through a decision-making process that helps you book and commit to time just for you. It then takes you through a series of questions to help you plan and choose an activity that feels right for you, depending on what you need at this moment and as you grow toward the next version of you.
Download your Self-Care Worksheet
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