
Meet Our People

Katie Reseburg

Head of Content

Learn More About Katie Reseburg

As Hello Divorce's Head of Content, Katie is dedicated to breaking down the stress and mess of divorce into clear, helpful content that delivers hope rather than fear. Katie most often writes about the emotional toll of divorce, self-care and mindfulness, and effective communication. Katie has 20+ years of experience in content development and management, specializing in compelling consumer-facing content that helps people live better lives. She has a Master's in Media Studies from the University of Wisconsin. Katie lives in Texas with her husband and two adorable cats, and you can find her hiking and bird watching in her free time.

Katie's Recent Articles

How to Find Yourself After Divorce
How to Find Yourself After Divorce
You're no longer married ... so who are you? Learn more about identity crises after divorce We help Navigate the DIY Divorce process.
6 Ways to Get Closure after a Relationship Ends
6 Ways to Get Closure after a Relationship Ends
How to make peace with your past and forgive your ex so you can move forward after your breakup or divorce.
Credit Repair after Divorce
Credit Repair after Divorce
Divorce alone will not affect your credit, but the process and shared debt might. Here are steps you can take for credit repair in divorce
How to Change Your Name after Divorce
How to Change Your Name after Divorce
Learn how to legally restore your maiden or previous name in our step-by-step guide to update your last name after your divorce.
Guide to Therapy During and After Divorce
Guide to Therapy During and After Divorce
If you're divorced or considering one, therapy can help you deal with co-parenting, grieving the relationship, and your new identity.
Common Divorce-Related Dreams and What They Mean
Common Divorce-Related Dreams and What They Mean
Going through a divorce (or thinking about it) can result in sleepless nights – or vivid dreams. Here’s what they might mean.
Dos and Don’ts for What to Wear in Court
Dos and Don’ts for What to Wear in Court
What should you wear to court? What shouldn't you wear? Avoid sending the wrong message with these tips.
The Truth about Dating before Your Divorce is Final
The Truth about Dating before Your Divorce is Final
So, you’re broken up. One of you probably moved out, or you’re rarely in the same space if you’re still living together. The divorce proceedings are underw
6 Ways to Kick Off Your New Beginning After Divorce
6 Ways to Kick Off Your New Beginning After Divorce
Learn more about small ways move toward new beginning divorce on Hello Divorce. We help Navigate the DIY Divorce process.
Divorce Survival Tips for ESFP Personality Types
Divorce Survival Tips for ESFP Personality Types
ESFPs tend to be highly sensitive, observant, emotional, and energetic. They are often the “entertainers” in a crowd, livening up any social gathering.
How a Private Judge Can Fast-Track Your California Divorce
How a Private Judge Can Fast-Track Your California Divorce
Learn how a private judge can help fast-track your California divorce in a way that’s not possible with the standard approach.
Things to Do Before You File for Divorce in California
Things to Do Before You File for Divorce in California
Preparation before you file for divorce will help the process run smoothly. Learn 10 steps that can help you get started here.
Tips for Getting Your Spouse On Board with Mediation
Tips for Getting Your Spouse On Board with Mediation
Want a divorce mediation but have a spouse holding up the process? Here are some quick tips to help them cooperate with divorce mediation
Guide to Divorce without Children
Guide to Divorce without Children
If you’re getting divorced and don’t have kids, your divorce process may be simpler, but there are special considerations, too.
Healthcare Proxy vs. Power of Attorney
Healthcare Proxy vs. Power of Attorney
Learn about the differences and similarities between a healthcare proxy and power of attorney.
Shocking Facts Revealed about the History of Divorce
Shocking Facts Revealed about the History of Divorce
While the legal system is known for being slow to get with the times, the last 100 years offered the most influential changes divorce.
Guide to Divorce Discovery: What to Expect
Guide to Divorce Discovery: What to Expect
Discovery can be a tedious process, but in many divorce cases, it’s necessary. Learn what to expect and how to deal with it.
Forbes: How Technology Changed Divorce for the Better
Forbes: How Technology Changed Divorce for the Better
Hello Divorce Founder and CEO talks to Forbes about how technology changed divorce from an unfair court battle to an online platform with help on demand.
Why Employers Must Support Employees During Divorce
Why Employers Must Support Employees During Divorce
Failing to support team members during inevitable life transitions has a price for both the employee and the employer.
VA Home Loans and Divorce: Everything You Need to Know
VA Home Loans and Divorce: Everything You Need to Know
VA loans offer an inexpensive way for veterans to buy a primary home. Find out how to protect these benefits in a divorce here.
11 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Your Kids to Give Your Co-Parent
11 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Your Kids to Give Your Co-Parent
Are you stumped on what the kids should give your co-parent for the holidays? Check out these gift ideas for all budgets.
Celebrating Holidays with Divorced Parents: Minimizing Guilt and Grief
Celebrating Holidays with Divorced Parents: Minimizing Guilt and Grief
You know the holidays after divorce will be different. Tips for success as you you face the holiday season with your new family structure.
Does Sole Custody Terminate Parental Rights?
Does Sole Custody Terminate Parental Rights?
Losing sole custody does not mean your parental rights have been terminated. Find out how these two terms are very different.
Joint Legal Custody and Medical Decisions: Who Makes the Decisions?
Joint Legal Custody and Medical Decisions: Who Makes the Decisions?
When parents have joint legal custody, they collaborate on medical decisions. Find out how it works and what to do if you disagree.
5 Useful Co Parenting Plan Resources
5 Useful Co Parenting Plan Resources
Co parenting can be one of the most challenging parts of life after divorce, but these resources will help be better with co parenting.
Separation Agreement vs. Settlement Agreement
Separation Agreement vs. Settlement Agreement
Learn about the similarities and differences between separation agreements and settlement agreements here.
What is a Tradwife and How Often Do They Get Divorced?
What is a Tradwife and How Often Do They Get Divorced?
A tradwife is short for traditional wife – who embraces traditional gender roles within marriage. Learn how this impacts marital satisfaction.
7 Unhealthy Things to Avoid Doing with Your Ex
7 Unhealthy Things to Avoid Doing with Your Ex
New boundaries can be hard to enforce after divorce. Our take on the importance of establishing firm boundaries with your ex after divorce.
6 Top Causes of Walkaway Wife Syndrome
6 Top Causes of Walkaway Wife Syndrome
Are you trying to make your marriage work during a difficult time? Learn about the causes of neglected wife syndrome before it’s too late.
Is Therapy Speak at Play in Your Relationship?
Is Therapy Speak at Play in Your Relationship?
Misuse of therapy speak is often to hold power over or hurt someone else. Learn how to identify it and how to cope with this manipulation technique.
Are You or Your Spouse Quiet Quitting Your Marriage?
Are You or Your Spouse Quiet Quitting Your Marriage?
Quiet quitting is setting boundaries to anything outside your job description – but you can quiet quit your marriage, too. What are the warning signs?
Weight Loss During Divorce: Tips for Staying Healthy
Weight Loss During Divorce: Tips for Staying Healthy
Beware the allure of the divorce diet. Here are tips for staying healthy during divorce.
Mood Disorders, Marriage, and Divorce
Mood Disorders, Marriage, and Divorce
A mood disorder is a mental illness that may contribute to high conflict and unstable relationships. Learn more.
Divorce Support Groups and Coping with Divorce
Divorce Support Groups and Coping with Divorce
Divorce support groups can help with emotional support for dealing with stress, depression, emotions, and legal, financial, housing concerns
Movies to Watch if You’re Divorced (or Just Thinking About It)
Movies to Watch if You’re Divorced (or Just Thinking About It)
When you're experiencing a powerful life change, like divorce, watching a movie can be a wonderful coping mechanism. Movies embody our experience.
Spousal Abandonment and Divorce
Spousal Abandonment and Divorce
Spousal abandonment involves one party moving out and leaving the other with unpaid bills. Find out how you can use this in your divorce.
I Love My Spouse But Don't Like Them. Should We Divorce?
I Love My Spouse But Don't Like Them. Should We Divorce?
How to gain clarity when you're no longer sure how you feel about your spouse.
Is Hello Divorce Legit? Watch Real Client Testimonial Videos
Is Hello Divorce Legit? Watch Real Client Testimonial Videos
Recent reviews from customers who used Hello Divorce to divorce much more affordably, respectfully, and with minimal stress.